Elaine Bast left CNN Brasil on Wednesday (6) after five months of contract with the news channel. The journalist has been in charge of two economic episodes that air daily throughout the program – CNN Novo Dia Economia and Live CNN Economy. The announcer said to the news The reason for leaving him is his lack of adaptation to working hours. that started early in the morning.
“I had to go to bed at 7 at night to get up, and it was still hard,” she said. “This schedule is very hard. At least for me, it was.” The breach of contract occurred between the two parties amicably, according to the caller.
“I really enjoyed my time there. But I went in at 4am, got up at 2:30 every day. There was no expectation of change so early. It was by mutual agreement. I really have nothing to do.” “Talk about it. I’ve learned a lot during my time at CNN,” Elaine added.
The economist has been replaced by Deborah Oliveira, an economic analyst at BM&C News, who has also worked on SBT and Band. CNN Brasil released an internal statement announcing Elaine’s departure and Deborah’s appointment. The former Globo representative has been thanked for her five months with the company.
Elaine Bast resigned from Globo in May 2022. The journalist wanted to leave the station because she felt she had lost her credibility. She thought it was unfair that she would stay with the company for so long, yet not get the chance to occupy notable spaces. Rarely has Elaine managed to get stories in Jornal Nacional, SP2, and Jornal da Globo.
“[Pedir demissão] It wasn’t an overnight decision. He’s been simmering for two years, ever since my popular economics project was rejected (and eight months later he showed up with another local reporter). “It wasn’t a hasty decision,” she said at the time. the news.