video circles “fish” On the Internet with a statement that the animal is 80 million years old. The statement left doubts about the possibility of an individual with this acquaintance, but this is true.
According to fossils, a fish – more specifically a ruffled shark ( Chlamydoselachus anguineus ) – is an animal that has been around for 80 million years. This makes the species one of the oldest surviving species.
Controversy occurs on social media when we confuse only one creature that lived 80 million years ago. But the result is just a misunderstanding of the Internet environment.
“An 80 million-year-old prehistoric shark, also known as the frilled shark, has been discovered in Awashima, Japan,” the post reads.
even so, Species are prehistoric and dwells deep water (between 600 m to 11,000 m). These animals were considered extinct, until they were seen again in recent decades.
The very rare record posted on Twitter is from 2007, and it was filmed in the waters off the island of Awashima, Japan.
The snake sharks were last seen in 2015, in Australia, and in 2017, in Portugal.
The video that caused the confusion was recorded by the Awashima Marine Park. After the animal was captured, the team identified it as a 1.6-meter-long female. Due to the state of health, the animal was taken to a pond with sea water.
She swam for some time there, but died shortly thereafter. The age of the animal is not known for certain. However, the average life expectancy of the species is about 25 years.