Octavian Costa He took to social media on Monday (22/7) to reveal that he had undergone chest surgery for an aneurysm. The actor underwent surgery at Sírio Libanês Hospital in São Paulo. He was admitted to the hospital on July 8 and underwent the seven-hour operation on July 10.
“Any effort could be fatal,” Ottaviano said in a video posted on Instagram, in which he appeared sitting on a hospital bed.
The artist recounted in the recording how he discovered the diagnosis.
“Hello guys. About 30 days ago my life turned upside down. I was in good health, I had no symptoms, but I had a slight pain that was bothering me here. Since I had not been able to escape to São Paulo for a routine check-up for almost two years and understand the progress of my physical and health condition, I decided to consult a doctor I did not know, cardiologist Antonio Masetto, starting on June 6.
“In a simple echocardiogram, he discovered the development of something that was putting my life at risk,” Ottaviano Costa continued. “I had an aneurysm of the ascending thoracic aorta of a very dangerous level, which could have caused the aorta to rupture at any moment, since I had no detectable external symptoms.”
“Thank you God! My gratitude, with an open heart, literally! If I am here, it is thanks to God! And thank you also, Our Lady of Aparecida, my holy protector, who never fails when I need her most,” the actor added in the caption.
In the comments, Ottaviano's friends and fans left messages of affection, including: Tata Wernicke, Boninho, Momozinho and Eliana.