Viih Tube tells Tayes that Juliet has a “square head”

Viih Tube tells Tayes that Juliet has a "square head"

While Friday’s concert was continuing at “BBB 21 “(TV Globo), Viih Tube watched Juliet dancing with a cup on her head. Then he told Youtube to Thais:

“Juliet has a square head,” which makes a Guiana woman laugh.

Viih Tube begins contacting Juliet, but it has not been answered. Then she said, alone, “Juliet, your head can fit straight into glass.”

Shortly thereafter, the influencer went to Paraiba and commented: “Juliet, your head is on the right glass.”

The make-up artist excuses, then, that she has a “square” head. “It looks sexy,” says Vittoria.

Get on the wheel and swing! IZA is animate top 10 concerts in “BBB 21”

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"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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