a The WhatsApp It already has thousands of users, given the global scenario, in the face of the main competitor Telegram. So, despite focusing on chat features and privacy settings, it hasn’t stopped prioritizing the “status” function. In this tab it is possible to create posts that will be deleted within 24 hours, which will cause interaction.
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WhatsApp status evolution
Since the Meta Group took over the app, Facebook and Instagram features on the platform have been considered. Status, for example, is increasingly like stories, even if it still has certain limitations. Now the feature is highlighted, from the ease of access by clicking on the person’s profile picture and emoji reactions.
another communication channel
Although many suggest this attempt to give Status more prominence is a way to completely transform the app, the company claims that development is just another channel of communication. The focus of the service continues to be on the transmission of instant messages, with support for voice and video calls.
When will the feature be available?
According to the WABetaInfo portal, the tests on the devices started a few months ago androidOn iOS, however, the validation is more emphatic. A small number of users of both operating systems running certain versions can already take advantage of the novelty by tapping the microphone icon to start an instant recording. However, there is no official release date.
Audio is different from other content
Unlike photos and videos, audio will only be shared with pre-selected contacts. You can add text, GIF, and gnomes To clarify what was said in the letter. The maximum time is 30 seconds, given that messages should be short and even interesting, which increases the attractiveness of the speech itself, since short-term content was successful.