Walking and cycling: a new clinical recommendation in England

Walking and cycling: a new clinical recommendation in England

you UK family doctors will start prescribing walks and bike rides for their patients As a part of Govt pilot scheme. Its aim is to improve the mental and physical health of the people to reduce the National Health Service (NHS, in original abstract)

Called Conception, this move goes beyond mere social medicine. In the following years, To support the strategy announced by the Department for Transport, classes will be created to teach adults to bike, free bike loan schemes and walking groups will be created..

In support of this effort, the British government a A budget of 14.6 million euros will allow us to take the first steps towards a sustainable and healthy movement.

The trial will be conducted in 11 areas in England including Cornwall, Doncaster, Leeds and Suffolk. For three years, If evaluated Prescription for walking and cycling, as well as infrastructure to support physical activity Affected the health of citizens.

To make this measurement, The government will examine whether there has been a decline in the number of appointments and prescriptions.

This pilot project, which starts this year, does Part of the gear change program presented in 2020 by the British Government With the aim of promoting walking and cycling. Here, investment in infrastructure is also planned to ensure the safety of people while performing these activities.

The concept of social medicine is not new. For example, in Australia, family doctors recommend their patients to walk 5 kilometers.. Even in England, In West Yorkshire, in 2017, the scheme was developed Cycle for health (Cycling for Health), a 12-week bike training program for people with chronic illness.

(Photo: F. Khan/Unsplash)

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About the Author: Morton Obrien

"Reader. Infuriatingly humble travel enthusiast. Extreme food scholar. Writer. Communicator."

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