Ludmila He revealed something very sad during an interview with Mano Brown’s podcast “Mano a Mano”. The singer explained that she started getting plastic surgery very early because of social pressure, and not because she really wanted to.
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“My music broke down when I was 17, vala mal de meem. When I started doing plastic surgery, the first thing I did was start accepting. In the clip you can’t see much who sings. The voice was more, not the look. Much will do of hiring contractors, and they come to the show and people see who MC Beyoncé is. They talk about my nose, my feet, my hair, and I sing and listen to it,” Ludmila explained.
She also said that they didn’t attack her just because of her looks when she became famous. Bullying began when Lyudmila was still in high school. “We were taught at school that black was ugly, that curly hair was awful, that long noses were awful, and that big lips were ugly. In the past, we didn’t talk about racism like that, openly, everywhere with people, and then we lived and that was the thing. The right thing to do,” he added.
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