A new privacy feature has been launched for beta testing The WhatsApp. The new feature allows you to hide information for specific people, as there is currently a feature that makes it only visible or invisible to all contacts at once.
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With the new tool, it will be possible to hide data such as “last seen”, “profile picture” and “message” for some people. Today, Status can be hidden only for a specific contact in the list.
The implementation of the new option “My contacts, except for…” was announced in September WABetaInfo, a website specialized in publishing information about The WhatsApp. The portal also emphasizes that those who choose to disable “last seen” will also not be able to access other people’s information.
However, the rule is not valid for ‘profile picture’ and ‘note’. In this case, the user will continue to view the information even though they have put the contact in the exceptions list.
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So far, there are no expectations for the arrival of the new functionality for those who use only the traditional version of the messenger. In addition to this feature, the file The WhatsApp da Meta is also developing the “Communities” functionality and cashback for payments through the platform. For more information, keep following our page.
Find out what the security code change message means
Too frequent message from The WhatsApp It leaves many users in doubt about what it is. The message says “Your security code has been changed”.
This term, when it appears in a conversation between users, refers to a notification issued by the user. The WhatsApp When a participant in a conversation reinstalls the messaging app on his or her mobile phone, or when the messaging account is registered on a new device.
Therefore, the message serves as a warning to users that the code that ensures end-to-end encryption in calls and messages has been changed.
However, the message may appear frequently in recent days even if the contact has not reinstalled The WhatsApp Or change the cell phone. This is due to the implementation of the multi-device feature, which allows access to the same account on multiple devices, even when the smartphone is offline