Last June 15, it was The WhatsApp It started making new features available to its users. Now, the messaging app will allow you to hide a series of information, such as your profile picture, “message”, “status” and “last seen”. The best part is that it will be possible to choose which contacts will not be able to see the information.
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The update has been under testing since the beginning of the year
The information that WhatsApp has been working on finding ways to give users more privacy is not recent. Since the beginning of the year, messenger website WABetaInfo has already revealed the initiatives.
However, last week the features were finally rolled out. They promise to satisfy a long-standing demand from users and provide more freedom to hide information. In times when privacy is a major factor, an update is for everyone.
How to hide photo and status on WhatsApp?
First, know that before hiding the information there were three possibilities: “everyone”, “my contacts”, “no one”. Now, WhatsApp now provides the fourth possibility: “My contacts except…”. This ensures that only certain people can see more about you within the platform.
The novelty is available for both Android and iOS (iPhone) and can be accessed as follows:
1 – Enter the messaging application and go to Settings;
2 – Access to the privacy area within WhatsApp;
3 – Choose the features you want to customize.
If the new version is not yet available on your device, just access the App Store on your smartphone. Search for WhatsApp and see if there is an option to update the app. Perform the pending update and repeat the process to access the privacy news within the messenger.
The procedure is the same for any type of device that is compatible with the latest version of the messaging app.