the The WhatsApp Prepares to stir up controversy among users who like to chat in groups. This is because the new role of the Messenger promises to be a cause of controversy and debate, especially for those responsible for Group chats.
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The feature in question makes it possible for group administrators to The WhatsApp Able to delete any messages or media sent by the participants in the conversation. In other words, the power to delete content applies not only to their own messages, but also to third parties.
According to the WABetaInfo portal, dedicated exclusively to information and news about the application, the novelty is already being tested by some users. The company’s goal is to evaluate functionality and fix potential bugs and errors before finally releasing them to the public.
The role can be stressful for those who participate in many groups
a New WhatsApp function It has a great chance of causing discontent on the part of the group participants, since there is a chance that important messages in work or study groups, for example, will be permanently deleted by administrators without prior notice.
In other words, a user who needs to return to consult some information may not find the message there, including the one that he himself sent. this is Excessive autonomy granted to supervisors The group should be well analyzed, especially when it comes to professional or scholastic matters.
A screenshot of the new functionality that will be launched can be seen below. It says “This message has been removed by the administrator”. paying off:
An official release date for the tool has not been released for all users yet. However, bearing in mind that most of the functions that appear in a file WhatsApp beta Soon for all users, it won’t take long for the functionality to become widely available.