WhatsApp now allows you to hide your status and photo from contacts; know | apps

WhatsApp now allows you to hide your status and photo from contacts;  know |  apps

a The WhatsApp It now allows you to hide the Profile Picture, Last Seen, Message and Status options for specific contacts in the phonebook. The improvements, which have been in beta testing since the beginning of the year, were officially announced on Wednesday (15) and expand the messaging platform’s privacy. This is because, until then, there were only three options for privacy: “Everyone,” “My Contacts,” or “Nobody.” With the update came the “My contacts, except…” option, which ensures more independence for users. It is worth noting that the position is available for Iphone (iOS) And the Android. Find out below all the details and how to use them.

WhatsApp announces new privacy features for users – Image: Play / Pexels

How do you prevent them from cloning your WhatsApp? Check out the tips on the TechTudo forum.

To try out the new version, just access the app and tap on the three dots available on the top right side of the screen. Then just select the section Settings > Account > Privacy And choose the features you want to customize. If the options do not appear on your smartphone yet, it is recommended to access Google Play Storeon devices Androidor the App Storeon devices iOSand update the app to the latest version.

To hide the information of a particular contact, simply access the WhatsApp settings – Image: Reproduction / Mariana Tralbak

It is worth noting that no notification will be sent in the process – that is, the ‘Blocked’ person will not receive messages telling them that their contact details are hidden from them. The only way to notice a change is when you want to see your information and can’t. However, even with this gap, it is still not possible to tell if the action is for her or for all the contacts in her list.

with information from The WhatsApp And the Take Crunch

See also: that The WhatsApp GB and why you shouldn’t download it

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About the Author: Osmond Blake

"Web geek. Wannabe thinker. Reader. Freelance travel evangelist. Pop culture aficionado. Certified music scholar."

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