The beta version of the world’s leading messaging app, a The WhatsApp Beta, this week began to launch a function to hide online status. The feature is available to those with Android version
The information was posted yesterday (13) by webinfo. According to the site, the novelty is available to a few testers, and some users of the Beta version have access as well.
The The novelty has been tested for some time And while there is no date for it to reach all end users, it is expected that everyone will receive the feature soon.
Screenshots (pictured above) show those who own WhatsApp Beta how the system should work. The images show that the person should go to Settings > Account > Privacy and in this menu they will see “Last seen and online”.
By clicking on the option, the user will be able to select whose online status will be shown in the application. You can choose to have the status public or have the same “last seen” setting.
That is, when the “hide” functionality comes to everyone, people will be able to choose to appear online to their contacts, to their contacts with some exceptions, or not to anyone.