The The WhatsApp It gets constant updates. After releasing the ability to add up to 512 people in a group, the messenger is developing a feature that allows the user to leave the group without notifying other members.
And as usual, discover the specialized site and update the news. In short, the new feature will make the user “invisible” when leaving the group of apps. In practice, only those responsible will be notified of the exit.
More privacy on WhatsApp
The new functionality will bring more privacy to users, as currently everyone is notified when leaving a group of the action by the app. The feature is found in desktop beta, but it will likely be released for all versions of the messenger.
WhatsApp is planning to implement a paid plan for businesses
The WhatsApp Premium It is a subscription plan developed by Meta to be implemented in WhatsApp Business. The first details of the method were found by the Wabetainfo website, in beta updates for Android, iOS and Desktop
According to the results, the novelty will be issued only for commercial accounts, being optional for the user, that is, it is up to the company to join it or not. The The WhatsApp Premium will provide the ability to link the account on up to 10 devices.
Additionally, the messenger should also allow the user to create custom business links. Currently, companies can already use short links to allow customers to connect easily, however, the premium version will allow for differentiation of links.
However, it is not yet possible to obtain more details about the novelty, since the method has not yet been officially released. This way, information such as: when it will be released, what value and resources are included, will only be released in the future.
Users will be able to order UBER through the messaging apps
A wonderful novelty should arrive in Brazil. This Thursday (19), Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi revealed that it will soon be possible to order Uber trip via WhatsApp.
The manager’s confirmation came during a panel talks with Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Meta.
It is important to highlight that Order an Uber via Whatsapp It is already a job available abroad. In India, for example, since December 2021, it has been possible to contact the Uber chatbot via messenger, request a ride and inform the destination.
The app then fetches information that the driver is on the way, such as the license plate and car model. Khosrowshahi also revealed that the partnership with WhatsApp in India has worked well to attract new users to the service, and that he plans to expand the functionality to more countries, including Brazil.
“Brazil too, of course,” he commented.
The international expansion of the project was already reported by Uber in 2021, when the supply of the supplier began in India. However, it is important to clarify that there are still no predictions as to when Brazilians will be able to do so Order an Uber via WhatsApp.