the group deadPreviously, on Friday, Facebook released a new update that allows users to use WhatsApp Web without the need for the Internet on their mobile phones. Released in 2015, it is one of the biggest updates to the version of the messaging app for PC browser.
Another functionality introduced by the new update is the ability to link up to four devices to the same account. Messages sent to the mobile number registered in WhatsApp will be synced in real time across all devices.
To access the new WhatsApp Web functionality, it is necessary to perform QR code authentication using the mobile phone with the WhatsApp application installed.
After scanning the QR code that will appear when accessing WhatsApp Web, the browser version will briefly download the messages stored on the phone. After that, the user will be able to send messages offline on the cell phone.
The WhatsApp Web update is one of the most talked about issues on social networks on Friday. However, some users may not be able to access the new features offered by the Meta suite, since the browser version of the app is in beta mode.