Clint Butler, 36, a prisoner in a British prison Who ran to buy the game “Call of Duty” He was arrested when he came to the store after violating the isolation rules imposed in the country.
West Midland County Police Uploaded a video to his account last week Web light He recorded the arrest of the person involved, which was accidentally carried out on January 13 as Butler came to the store to buy the game with a friend. Met with officers on identity control missions. The person tried to go back, raising suspicions.
If that’s not enough, When he was restrained, he used a false identity and forgave himself for buying the game for violating the rules of isolationHowever, he was informed of the allegations that he would be arrested and attacked one of the agents who fled from them.
The person was later detained without moving, That’s why he will spend a 19-month extension in Buckinghamshire jail He will complete his sentence in 2024, which is initially for armed robbery.
“The reason you decided the risk of going back to jail was, It would be a mystery if he came to the city with a friend to buy a video game and make a foolish decision. “Superintendent Nick Rowe said, On the police website.
Butler escaped from prison on November 28, 2020, after he was captured, You must provide the remainder of your previous sentence, Added Thirteen months Extra charge for escape from prison and others 6 For assaulting an officer.