Who is the leader of BBB 24? Watch how the last audition for the reality show – Zoera went

Who is the leader of BBB 24?  Watch how the last audition for the reality show – Zoera went

After the elimination of Lucas Henrique, the participants competed again Leader testIn the Big Brother Brazil (BBB) ​​24Tuesday night (9) and Matthews was the dynamic winner. In addition to gaining immunity, the new leader can nominate someone directly for the presidency Triple wallwhich will be formed shortly after the conflict, will win R$30,000.

After 93 days of confinement, Alan, Beatrice, Davey, Isabelle and Matthews left home for the first time to compete in the dynamic, which involved a 20-metre high zipline and required aiming skills. This was the captain's last test of the season.

Understand the test

The competition was played by one player at a time. To start the dynamic, each participant had to do this Unlock Totem.

The brother or sister is then lifted onto a suspended platform, where a zipline descends. During the course, the player needs to throw three arrows towards the ground, which are divided into ranges depending on the score, from 0 to 50 points.

Matthew He had the best performance, collecting 110 points, and became the final leader of BBB 24.

Check each player's score:

player Punctuation
now 60 points
Isabelle 20 points
Matthew 110 points
Beatrice 40 points
David 100 points

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