The last farm before the Grand Final and the last 4 farmers in the hot seat at Fazenda 2022. Papi, Pia, Pele and Iran are about to leave reality, but which one? Vote in the poll A Fazenda 2022 and watch the real-time voting at DCI.
The sound of The Farm 2022
The four finalists pawns are in the spotlight and whoever wins will go to a final vote to decide who wins the R$1.5 million prize on Thursday.
Poll A Fazenda 2022 – Who’s in the field?
Now who stays? Vote in the poll A Fazenda 2022.
Monday (12): Elimination + Surprise Garden formation from 22:30
Tuesday (13): Laundry Day + direct elimination from Surprise Garden from 10:30 pm
Wednesday (14): The last party of the season from 22:30
Thursday (15): The Grand Final of Fazenda 2022 from 22:30
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