Who will appear on the BBB 24 wall, between Alan, Isabel, Juninho or Luigi? The survey shows in part; vote

Who will appear on the BBB 24 wall, between Alan, Isabel, Juninho or Luigi?  The survey shows in part;  vote

Between Alan, Isabelle, Juninho or Luigi who comes out on the sixth wall of “BBB 24”? If it depends on additional readers, who vote in the poll, Juninho should leave the most watched house in the country, where he received only 8.89% of the votes, according to the first part, on Monday the 29th of this month.

Remember that the public must vote for whoever stays. As a result, of those paired together, Isabelle was the top vote performer, receiving 52.88% of the votes to continue in the competition. Next is Alan with 23.07% of the vote. Finally, Luigi received 15.16% of the votes to continue in the game. And you, who wants to stay in the game?

Partial sixth wall survey of “BBB 24” – Photo: Reproduction

Voting on the EXTRA website has no official validity, but serves as a thermometer for the feud and helps fans determine strategies. To influence the game, you must go to the official BBB website, at gshow.globo.com/bbb. Remember that you must register to vote. See step by step:

  1. Type the link in your browser: minhaconta.globo.com. Registration is free and can also be done using your Google or Facebook account.
  2. If this is your first registration, you will receive an email to confirm and activate your Globo account.
  3. The next step is to register the phone number. You will receive a text message containing a confirmation code to verify your account.
  4. Then enter your details, as the account is individual. And ready! You can now vote for “Big Brother Brasil”!

Who's on the sixth wall of 'BBB 24'?

Leader of the Week, MC Bin Laden nominated Isabelle. Beetle, Juninho, and Luigi were nominated by Marcus, who answered Big Fone. As a counterattack, the trio unanimously nominated Alan. Davey was the participant with the most votes in the house.

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But it didn't stop there. The release had the first clock test for this version, in which the people most voted by the house, the three paired with the Big Fone and the person nominated by the counter-coup participated. In this way, by winning the game of chance, Daffy and Giovanna Beetle saved themselves from the wall. The rescued people also received R$5,000 and were transferred to the VIP of the house.

Isabel, Juninho, Luigi and Alan thus form the sixth wall of “BBB 24”. Only one will be eliminated next Tuesday, the 30th.

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"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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