Who will be able to withdraw the benefits in 2022? Check the rules

Who will be able to withdraw the benefits in 2022?  Check the rules

There is an expectation to pay Pass PIS / Pasep Starting in January 2022. You will reach all benefit entitlements. Next year, there is also the possibility that the allowance will be paid twice. Even due to the postponement of transfers for the base year 2020 for reasons related to financial reallocation.

The government has not commented on the double PIS/Pasep payments related to the arrears. The full reimbursement schedule must be announced by the Codefat Advisory Board in January. New information will be released soon.

According to current perspectives, the value of the new minimum wage could be R$1,210, on average, for those who worked the full 12 months. The calculation of the allowance is based on the number of months the employee worked in the base year. The minimum time to officially work in the base year is at least 30 days.

Who is eligible to receive benefits in 2022

PIS, as we know, is for private sector workers and Pasep is for public servants. Thus, all those who worked in the base year (2020 or 2021) for at least one month are entitled in an official manner. The rules are as follows:

  • Be registered with PIS or Pasep for at least five years;
  • worked for at least 30 days in the base year for withdrawal;
  • Have an average monthly income up to a minimum wage;
  • Be registered with the RAIS (Annual Social Information List).

Employees who have questions about the annual Social Information List – RAIS can search for details through Location Ministry of Labor and Employment – MTE. Thus, workers listed in RAIS who have worked for 12 months may receive the benefits. Starting in January, with the release of the calendar, it will be possible to determine the payments.

Private sector workers receive through Caixa Econômica Federal. On the other hand, workers who work in public places receive through Banco do Brasil. To check the allowance, simply download the Caixa Trabalhador app or through online banking.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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