Why did this country decide to delete December 30 from its calendar?

Why did this country decide to delete December 30 from its calendar?

Samoaa small archipelago in the Pacific Ocean, attracted global attention in 2011 when it made a bold change in its schedule.

A change that not only affected the daily routine of Samoans, but also had major impacts on their trade relations and cultural ties with the rest of the world.

The decision to skip an entire day in calendarIt was a bold move that changed the course of time forever, a bold move that aroused astonishment and curiosity around the world.

The setting was the International Date Line, an imaginary border that runs across the Pacific Ocean and divides the world into two distinct days.

Imaginary line of data – Image: Olhar Digital/Reproduction

Up to that point, Samoa had been located west of the line, meaning it was 24 hours behind its nearest neighbours, such as American Samoa.

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That time difference, though Unfamiliardid not go unnoticed by Samoa's leadership, which saw opportunities to strengthen trade relations and improve global connectivity.

The decision to adjust the schedule was not limited to a simple time zone change; Samoa chose drastic action by completely deleting December 30, 2011 from its calendar.

The year 2011 will go down in Samoan history as the year in which time took a bold leap.

Instead of following the usual linear sequence of days, the island nation chose to reset its own rhythm, deleting December 30, 2011 and moving directly to the morning of December 31.

Entering the new year early

This extraordinary decision by Samoa not only rewrote its calendar, but transformed it from the last country to welcome the new year to the first country to witness the transformation.

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With the It changes From UTC -11 to UTC +13, Samoa has literally made a time leap, moving from a position that put it roughly a day behind most of the world to a leading position, marking the start of the year ahead of many other places.

The decision was not only practical, but also symbolic, reflecting Samoa's determination to align itself with the path of economic and technological development in the region.

This time shift had dire consequences for the people of Samoa, who had to adjust their daily lives and routines, while the rest of the world watched in amazement this unique change in the march of time.

This radical gesture by Samoa not only redefined its calendar, but also sparked reflections on how time, at its core, is a malleable human construct, shaped according to the needs and aspirations of a constantly evolving society.

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About the Author: Lucas Moreno

"Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer."

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