World Diabetes Day: 5 myths about diabetes

World Diabetes Day: 5 myths about diabetes

This Sunday is celebrated Diabetes National Day, one of the world’s most prevalent diseases that is still shrouded in misinformation, with many common myths about the condition. Below we mention five of them and make it clear the truth of the matter; paying off:

+ World Diabetes Day: All about the disease and why women are most affected by it

+ 5 behaviors that contribute to diabetes in women

Eating sweets causes diabetes

For IstoÉ, Endocrinologist Paula Bruno Araujo highlighted: In fact, eating a lot of sweets/sugar contributes to weight gain, and worsens diabetes. Being overweight increases your chance of getting sick.”

according to Brazilian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism (SBEM), when it does not contain risk factors – obesity, sedentary lifestyle, and family history Eating sugar exclusively does not lead to disease. However, diabetics need moderation in their consumption.

Diabetics cannot eat carbohydrates

second after specialist, The main source of sugar in the diet is carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, tubers and flour. “Diabetes is multifactorial, it depends on lifestyle habits (poor diet, being overweight and a sedentary lifestyle). Family history is very important, which is why some people develop diabetes even with healthy lifestyle habits,” he explains.

SBEM emphasizes that there are no restrictions on carbohydrates, but portions should be controlled, as healthy eating is essential.

Fruit is released into the diet

SBEM informs that “although fruits are healthy, they contain carbohydrates, and therefore must comply with the food plan.”

Symptoms are obvious

Symptoms of diabetes are unclear or predetermined because they can vary between people. Updating the tests is necessary to detect illness Hence start immediate treatment. According to Paula, the ideal situation is to follow exams. The survey should be performed on any patient who is predisposed or has symptoms suggestive, such as excessive thirst, excessive urine, increased hunger, and weight loss at any age. During pregnancy, screening is also recommended between 24 and 28 weeks of pregnancy.

Diabetes is curable

An endocrinologist asserts that diabetes cannot be cured. However, type 2 can be alleviated when treated properly, through oral or injectable medications with a medical recommendation, as well as by performing Metabolic surgeryTo control metabolic syndrome.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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