XPML11 pays its highest dividend since January and reports a dividend of R$21.5 million

XPML11 pays its highest dividend since January and reports a dividend of R$21.5 million
XPML11 pays highest dividend since January and announces profit of R$21.5 million;  See values
XPML11 pays its highest dividend since January and reports a dividend of R$21.5 million. Image: Pixabay

Real estate fund XPML11 Released a new management report for August. One of the highlights of the month was the payment of a dividend of R$0.84 per share, representing the highest value since January 2023.

results FII XPML11 With a value of R$ 21,527 million, of which R$ 21,098 million was distributed in the form of dividends. Total revenues amounted to R$ 26,184 million, while expenses amounted to R$ 4,656 million.

During August, the Investment Department concluded the annual revaluation of assets, which positively impacted the value of the Fund’s assets in the amount of R$ 415 million, with a 15.74% increase in the equity stake for July 2023, which will reach a value of R$ 114.96 per share.

Compared to shareholders’ share in XPML11 background August 2023 Taking into account the total number of shares after the eighth and ninth issues, the estimate is an increase of 13.58%, bringing the value of the share to about R$ 112.50, without taking into account additional effects that may affect the value.

Most of XPML11’s monthly operational and financial indicators showed positive performance compared to the same period of previous years. In July 2023, sales per square meter amounted to R$1,609, while net cash income per square meter amounted to R$133.

In August, 2.1 million negotiations were conducted, with the volume of negotiations amounting to approximately R$ 226 million. The average daily liquidity reached R$9.8 million, approximately 24.4% higher than the amount recorded in the previous month. The share ended the month at R$110.50.

XPML11 wallet

The goal of XPML11 is to generate income from real estate prospecting in shopping centers, as well as capital gains from these assets.

wallet Real Estate Fund XPML11 It had more than 10 malls by the end of July. Together these properties have a gross leasable area of ​​approximately 520,000 square meters and more than 2,500 stores.

About 64% of the gross leasable area (GLA) of XPML11 It is located in the southeast, while 25% is in the northeast and 11% is in the north. The top two shopping center management companies in GLA’s portfolio are JHSF Malls (35%) and Alliance Sonae + brMalls (29%).

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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