Xuxa criticizes Fernanda from BBB without knowing what it's like to be a mother without a support network

Xuxa criticizes Fernanda from BBB without knowing what it's like to be a mother without a support network

Xuxa has certainly never had to bake a cake to deliver to a sweating customer while Sasha pulls up her apron and drops sprinkles on the floor. Xuxa is rich and has a huge support network in the palace. Although motherhood was difficult (and it is for everyone), she did not experience that hardship like most ordinary women. At the base of empathy, the trick is to put yourself in the other person's shoes, even if they look nothing like you.

The fact that Fernanda shows both her weak and reversible side (the desire to kill) and her maternal side (the non-killing) humanizes her. But he proves that he knows how to talk about what he feels and recognizes his weaknesses. In his speech, he certainly used the ending of the phrase “When I can't take it anymore, I let them do what they want.” It exposes this maternal guilt towards the gaps where continuing education is impossible. Do we have to be 100% vigilant when teaching right and wrong? Yes, but we are human. Sometimes we fail. Sometimes we talk. Sometimes we accept it.

I won't talk like Fernanda (I'm not even a single mom), but there are days when I think strongly: I should have used a condom. But then comes a good-night kiss, a question about why the clouds melt in the rain, colorful Pokémon, and a new Kung Fu move. I'm glad I didn't use that condom. But I should have used it.

Let's continue to accept the duality of motherhood: Does it make you want to kill? sometimes. The important thing is to never kill, okay?

You may disagree with me On Instagram.

This text came from a conversation with Lucas Vasconcelos, the owner of Sincere Brainstorming <3

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About the Author: Gillian Hall

"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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