You fooled Kerlin with a lantern? Find out if the power goes out on A Fazenda 14 TV News

You fooled Kerlin with a lantern?  Find out if the power goes out on A Fazenda 14 TV News

Petala Barrios team accused Kerlin Cardoso From cheating during the formation of chubby farm 14. Officials have captured a video of the former BBB allegedly making a “three” sign, with her hand resting on the bench, as if to give a warning about the green force.

The owner of the lantern, Kerline gained immunity with black parchment and gave the other to Petal – the power was chosen by the audience and put the owner on the third stool in the field, rather than dragging the stall.

The rule of thumb for those who have won Trial by Fire is not to merge or pass on any kind of signals about powers – which are only directly open – to other participants. For Team Pétala, the model marked Alex Gallett with a “three”, indicating that the power is associated with the third farmer.

In fact, Kirlin warned Alex that she was going to drop a tipBut in the case of immunity. However, the concession was revealed even before voting began, which did not give the former BBB a chance to implement the agreement.

While Petal fans began calling on Twitter to rescind the power, Kerline’s fans claimed she was tapping poo with her fingers.

a the news A record inquired about a possible evaluation of the photos, but had not received a response until this text was posted. If Kerline proves to have passed any kind of signal, the power should be cancelled, as happened with Pele Milflows this season.

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See also  “I will not go to this disgrace anymore” (see video)

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